
Heston at Skirball

“Reading by Heston Opposed,” Nov. 30: Charlton Heston’s performance at the Skirball Cultural Center tonight marks a night of memory and long-standing friendships. I am speaking of his friendship of 50-plus years with the late Dr. Jolly West, founder and chairman for a quarter-century of UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute.

Shortly before West’s death a year ago, a huppah, a bridal canopy tradition at Jewish weddings, was set up in Jolly’s hospital room for the wedding of his daughter. It was my honor to officiate as rabbi on that occasion. Six guests were present--Charlton and Lydia Heston were among them.

Jolly was eager for his dearest friends, the Hestons, to be present on that last but one of the momentous occasions of his life. Well aware that the end was fast approaching, Jolly also expressed an eagerness for a memorial service to be held for him in the Holidays Gallery of the Skirball Cultural Center. He wanted the Hestons to be present.


It was at that memorial service a year ago that Heston made known to me his wish to honor Jolly’s memory with an evening of readings from classical literature. And so on this occasion we are joined by Heston in this tribute to friendships of long standing.


President & CEO

Skirball Cultural Center
