
Click Here / A roundup of recommended Web sites

Just cheesy: Forget Backstreet Boys, ‘N Sync and 98 Degrees. Check out the beefcake Jack in the Box pitchmen who croon about the merits of red meat at

Can’t we all just get along? Guess not. Find out what’s feeding ethnic conflicts in 12 zones around the world at’s https://www.britannica .com/worldsapart. The U.S. isn’t included.

Design of a decade: Have a say in what to call the new decade that starts next month at https://www.namethedecade .com. Who knows, maybe your suggestion will be on the lips of newscasters across the country. Naught!


Red rover: Get the lowdown on Friday’s scheduled touchdown of the Mars Polar Lander at https://marslander.jpl.nasa .gov. After nearly a year of spaceflight, the craft should soon have scientists seeing red again.

Put your spin on it: With Hanukkah beginning Saturday, check out https://www.holidays .net/chanukah. Here, you can find out what a hanukiyah is, light virtual candles and give a cyber dreidel a spin.

Yuletide jeers: If decking the halls takes on a different meaning in your family during the holidays, get some tips on keeping the peace at There are also decoration ideas.


Want to suggest a Web site? E-mail [email protected].
