
‘Summer Nights’ Debate

A great series could be greater (“Uninhibited Huell Howser Takes an Unlikely Approach to Documentary,” by Howard Rosenberg, Aug. 4).

Howser’s new series “Hot Summer Nights” is informative and entertaining but lacks the power of Huell in front of the camera. The charm of Huell’s production is lost on a muffled “voice behind the lens” a la “Candid Camera.” Where is Huell’s personality? His gestures and facial expressions are as much a part of his presentation as the people and sites he visits.

And where is Louie? Put the camera back into expert hands and put Huell back in front of the lens where he belongs!



Redondo Beach


Bravo to Rosenberg for alerting us to Howser’s series. We need more programs of this caliber to better understand our diversified population.




KCET and its viewers can do with a spokesperson with a better use of the English language than “golly,” “gee” and “wow” stated over and over again ad nauseam in every one of his programs. And what happened to content and production values? This show must have cost less than free.

I appreciate that Howser is going places that many people don’t feel comfortable or safe going to themselves, but television has been doing that for many years, going back to “City at Night,” “2 on the Town,” “Ralph Story’s Los Angeles” and “City Watchers.” Intelligently!


Let’s see some diversity in the presentation. How about giving the camera to a Latino, African American or Asian American to look at cultural programs in their communities? Let’s develop some new talent. Why does it always have to be from the same point of view?


Santa Monica
