
Real Life Inspires ‘Confessions,’ a Sampler for Latina Actresses

Josefina Lopez’s “Confessions of Women From East L.A.” has been produced just once since she wrote it in 1996--and that was nowhere near East L.A., but 100 miles south, in San Diego.

It’s an eight-character portrait of specific women in East Los Angeles and Little Tokyo, some of whom are based on women Lopez knows--like the play’s self-described “super Latina” Victoria Marquez-Bernstein.

Others, like assertive street vendor Calletana, are based on women Lopez has observed in the Latino community. Lopez’s own experience taking self-defense courses--”my method for dealing with men who don’t understand physical space”--inspired Roxie, a comically over-aggressive self-defense instructor.


Sheryl Donchey, head of Santa Ana College’s theater department, said she chose to stage “Confessions” because of the large Latino population that the college serves. Donchey added that Lopez’s play also provides meaty roles for Latina actors.

“Santa Ana is the perfect place to do this,” said Lopez, who Donchey said was a bit surprised when she learned that the college would be putting it on, given it had had only one previous production. “It’s a town full of Latinos, and the experiences there are very close to those of women in East L.A.”
