

With parts in the horror-comedy “Idle Hands,” coming out three weeks before “Star Wars,” and “Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me” (reprising his role as Dr. Evil’s son) two weeks after, Seth Green is a foot soldier in the rebel alliance battling George Lucas’ empire. Green, 25, a pro since age 7, is also a regular on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and the animated “Family Guy.”

B-LISTED: “I can’t get into the premiere of ‘Star Wars.’ I’ve called--’I’m in “Austin Powers”!’ ‘So? Get back in your seat. This is “Star Wars.” ’ I’m not going to stand in line for days. If I don’t see it for a month, it’ll still be around.”

HEADY BUSINESS: “ [“Austin Powers”] being looked at as the only challenger to ‘Star Wars’--it doesn’t seem fathomable that something I’m involved in could be that anticipated. It’s an alternate reality. I’m sure Ewan McGregor hasn’t grasped his situation.”


DON’T I KNOW YOU?: “ ‘Austin Powers,’ ‘Buffy’ and ‘Can’t Hardly Wait’ have done a lot in terms of people recognizing me. Before that, there were a lot of people asking if I went to their school or if I dated their sister. More often than not, I did.”

THREE’S COMPANY: “Breckin Meyer, Ryan Phillippe and I are developing things for our new production company. We’ve been friends for some time and this has always been our goal.”

CORPORATE PROSPECTUS: “We look at role models like Mel Gibson’s Icon Films and Danny DeVito’s Jersey--not competing with big-budget films, just an attitude like, we like this script and have assembled this group of actors and if people like it, great.”


YEAH, BABY: “ ‘Austin Powers’ was the most generous and creative environment I’ve worked in. It’s all on the [script] page, but they let the camera roll as the scene ends and a lot happens on the spot--we’d take existing material and elaborate.”

MISSED CHANCES: “I read two great scripts, one of which I didn’t get the part and one where there’s no part for me. ‘American Beauty’ by Alan Ball was truly one of the best I’ve read. And ‘Sugar and Spice and Semi-Automatics,’ by Lana Williams who wrote ‘Drop Dead Gorgeous,’ is very fun and clever, but no substantial boy parts.”

TOO MUCH: “I’m looking to work a lot--but not in a Michael Caine way. He said for a while he was concerned that he would never work again, so he took every part that came to him. That’s always a concern, but it’s not reason enough to over-saturate the market with yourself.”
