
No Age Limits

I enjoyed reading Susan Spano’s column about the “octogenarian travelers” (“As Two Octogenarian Travelers Prove, the Joys of the Road Know No Age Limit,” Her World, March 28). I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to hear about Dolly Reitz and that she is still going strong. I remember very well her columns for the old Los Angeles Mirror. They were a kind of Erma Bombeck thing. I enjoyed them so much so long ago and have wondered through the years how she was doing. Dolly Reitz: Go, baby, go!!!!



Regarding Dolly and Maisie: You didn’t explain how these ladies rent cars in Europe, considering the age limit that car rental companies impose. I know I’ve read of quite restrictive age limits on renting cars. Please respond in The Times. I’m sure I’m not the only one questioning.


Cathedral City

Editor’s note: Among companies that will rent cars without a maximum age limit to drivers in Germany, Italy and France are Hertz, telephone (800) 654-3131, and Auto Europe, tel. (800) 223-5555.
