
Obituaries - April 16, 1999

Babineau, Joseph Anthony, 70, of Burbank, retired PBX installer for AT & T. The Valley Funeral Home, Burbank.

Burke, Inez, 79, of Woodland Hills, fundraiser for the City of Hope. Groman Mortuary, Mission Hills.

Burget, Marjorie J., 82, of Burbank, retired animation painter for Walt Disney Co. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.


Campbell, Agnes C., 97, of Quartz Hill, physical therapist. Halley-Olsen Funeral Chapel, Lancaster.

Cilia, Francesca, 95, of Sun Valley, homemaker. The Valley Funeral Home, Burbank.

Faurot, Gloria, 72, of Lancaster, owner and operator of a mini-mart gas station. Halley-Olsen Funeral Chapel, Lancaster.

Fream, Ralph M., 92, of Granada Hills, retired locksmith. Utter-McKinley Mortuary, Mission Hills.


Herman, Victor J., 79, of North Hollywood, retired book illustrator. The Alpha Society, Burbank.

Iwanytzkyj, Ivan, 87, of Palmdale, real estate broker. Chapel of the Valley Mortuary, Palmdale.

Jameson, Mary Eileen, 81, of Burbank, retired assembler. The Alpha Society, Burbank.

Mohr, Evelyn, 77, of North Hills. San Fernando Mortuary, San Fernando.

Smith, Melvin C., 78, of Burbank, retired manager of a Ralphs supermarket. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.


Young, Robert A., 56, of Tujunga, retired machinist for HydroAire. Aftercare California Cremation and Burial Society, North Hollywood.

Obituaries are published free of charge as a public service to readers. They are based on information provided by mortuaries.
