
Valley Secession

As an ardent supporter of Mayor Richard Riordan, I am terribly disappointed at his continuous attack on the merits of Valley seccession. It seems to me that one who is so adamant about the cost and potential tax increases associated with detachment would call for a study and not fight it. Apparently, everything indicates a desire of the people for the city to be more responsive. That includes the ability of the people to study the facts by opening city records. Therefore, our mayor should insist on helping with the study and finding out if he is right or wrong.

Let LAFCO [the Local Agency Formation Commission] do its job, end the dialogue and give the people their right for self-determination.


Board Member, Valley VOTE



The recent poll on secession of the San Fernando Valley disturbs me (“Poll Gives Valley VOTE a Lift,” April 1). I think that the pro-secession results (60% in the Valley, 47% citywide) reflect lack of information, or influence of Valley VOTE [Voters Organized Toward Empowerment] propaganda and heavily slanted articles in the Daily News. I look at the possible motivations of leaders in cases like this and at the money trail. The VOTE leadership is largely male WASPs, and I suspect they are at least partially motivated by a desire to disassociate themselves from South Central and East L.A.. As for leaders like Richard Close and Gordon Murley, I wonder what their political ambitions might be in the new city.


I suspect that when all the costs and implications of secession are added up, opinion polls will be drastically different. If Valley leaders put in as much time, effort and money to correct perceived slights as they have in secession, I suspect we would all be further ahead.


Woodland Hills
