
Prop. 1

* Re “Prop. 1 OK Vital for City,” editorial, March 28: Once again The Times is supporting a costly measure that will hit the Valley the hardest with new property taxes. In pressing for a yes vote on Prop. 1, you give as one of your arguments that an oversight committee will oversee the funding of the projects.

This sounds nice but does anyone remember Prop. BB? This measure was supposed to improve our schools and install air conditioning throughout the school system. This measure also included an oversight system, which I believe was the major reason it passed. Well, it has been two years since its passage and does your child’s school have its improvements yet? As far as I can tell, the children will suffer another blistering summer in overheated classrooms.

Now The Times wants us to vote for another proposition with yet another oversight committee. I say no! Oversight committees don’t solve the problem. Vote no on Prop. 1 and send a message to the city that it is beyond time to get its fiscal house in order.



