
Stick to Facts on Laguna Woods

* There you go again!

Your continued mischaracterizations, inaccuracies and negative and snide references to Leisure World and the new city, Laguna Woods, of which it is a part, debase your reputation for journalistic objectivity and integrity.

Among other mistakes in your reports: Laguna Woods is not a gated city!

Laguna Woods is not an age-restricted city. Leisure World, a component of the city, is age-restricted and is legally so in conformity with state and federal law.

As you correctly state, the Local Agency Formation Commission found no problem with this in sanctioning the formation of the city. Costa del Sol is an age-restricted community in Mission Viejo.


What then is the rationale for your raising this nonissue?

The “quandary” of use of city funds for maintenance of private entities within the walls of Leisure World has been addressed and understood as prohibited.

The county has used public funds to erect sound walls around Leisure World as well as other communities, and the city may do the same. These sound walls do not nor are they intended to “further isolate it.” These are legitimate expenditures by the city but no decision has yet been made to do so.

Those in the standing-room-only crowd of more than 600 (March 24) were enthusiastic, attentive and orderly. They are not doddering, somnolent, superannuated lumps as you characterize them by direct reference and snide innuendo.


The residents of Leisure World and Laguna Woods are retired doctors, lawyers, engineers, artists, teachers, college professors, industrial executives, musicians, actors, writers, journalists and any other honorable profession and trade you can mention.

They use their knowledge and experience to enhance their lifestyle and enjoyment of the so-called golden years as active vital citizens.

Don’t sell them short or belittle them. Just tell it like it is. Stop auditioning in your news columns for a spot on Jay Leno or David Letterman.



Laguna Woods

* Laguna Woods, formerly Leisure World, will join the El Toro Reuse Planning Authority at a reduced rate (March 29).

What? A whole city gets a senior discount?


Laguna Niguel
