
$1,223,268 Given to Youth Sports From Olympics Fund

The Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles, the group charged with distributing funds to Southern California youth sports from the 1984 Olympic surplus, has made new quarterly grants and program assistance totaling $1,223,268.

The largest new grant went to L.A.’s BEST (Better Educated Students for Tomorrow) to continue after-school sports programs at 24 elementary schools.

A $100,000 grant went for a track and field instructional program for 17,000 elementary and middle school youngsters at Mount San Antonio College.


Other grants included $99,400 to conduct flag football, basketball, soccer and softball programs serving more than 2,500 boys and girls at 17 inner-city Los Angeles junior high schools, $50,000 to help resurface the track at Santa Monica College, $36,307 for sports programs at Calvert Elementary and Columbus Middle School in the San Fernando Valley and $19,000 to purchase new mats to be used at the Venice Japanese Community Center.

Altogether, 26 organizations received grants ranging down to $2,500. Since 1984, the foundation has donated nearly $90 million.
