
On the Airport Super Shuttle

captain of the ship n. van driver.

deadhead v. drive a van without passengers.

“I’m deadheading from the Mouse House.”

the Duke n. John Wayne Airport.

full boat n. van filled with seven passengers.

goober n. employee who can’t read a Thomas Guide. “That goober can’t find Holly-Holly.”

the Hill n. Palos Verdes.

Holly-Holly n. Holiday Inn in Hollywood.

looking for flags phr. searching for passengers who have no reservations. “I don’t have a full boat yet, so I’ll circle again looking for flags.”

Mouse House n. Disneyland.

pax n. passenger. rel. aging pax n. passenger waiting for a van. “We have an aging pax on the Hill--better step on it.”

rolling v. driving to a pickup.

steering-wheel holder n. bad van driver.

triple nickel adj. when traffic moves at 60 mph (55 + 5). “Good news, it looks like traffic to the Duke is flowing at triple nickels.”
