
Reforms for Public Schools

Your Oct. 5 article on Texas Gov. George W. Bush’s educational reforms struck a resonant chord with me. This year I have already been to the principal’s office once for each of my two children because their teachers refused to answer my simple and direct questions. I am fed up with the lack of accountability in our school system. Unfortunately, even if a voucher system were adopted, there would not be enough private schools available for those of us who would grab our vouchers and run screaming from the public school system! What we need is fundamental change to our public system of education.

The only way to increase accountability is if there are consequences to teachers for their conduct. Bad teachers should be warned, counseled and fired, subject to the same laws as any other professional-level employee in California. Excellent teachers should receive merit bonuses. Principals, with a review from their superintendent, should be given this authority to counsel and fire, and should base their review of teacher performance both on test scores from standardized curriculum-based tests as well as on parental input (via complaints and nonbinding questionnaires). Accountability is as simple as that!

Do either of our candidates for governor have the guts to take on the teachers union and effect real change to the California public school system?



Huntington Beach
