
Annual Education Fest to Focus on Hepatitis C

The second annual HepFest, which helps educate people about hepatitis C, will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday at Irvine Regional Park.

Hepatitis C Wellness Advocate sponsors HepFest as a way for the public to learn more about the life-threatening strain of the disease. An estimated 500,000 Californians have hepatitis C, the group says, and up to 75% of them don’t know it. And those who do know often receive unreliable or minimal information about their illness.

HepFest organizers say the event will help individuals and families deal with hepatitis C through proper medical and psychological care, exercise, nutrition, and creative and spiritual support. Physicians and psychotherapists also will speak at the event.


A $5 donation is requested.
