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October is one of the best gardening months in Orange County. Our weather is not yet chilly, but by now the sweltering days of summer have usually passed. It’s also time for a changing of the guard from warm season to cool season crops.
The following is a sampling of what can be planted this month.
FLOWERS: Agapanthus * Alyssum * Aster * Bachelor’s button * Begonia * Bromeliad * Calendula * California Poppy * Canna * Campanula * Canterbury bell * Carnation * Chrysanthemum * Cyclamen * Delphinium * English primrose * Felicia * Foxglove * Geranium * Iceland poppy * Impatiens * Japanese anemone * Lantana * Nasturtium * Pansy * Penstemon * Portulaca * Rudbeckia * Scabiosa * Schizanthus * Shasta daisy * Snapdragon * Stock * Succulents * Sweet Pea * Viola * Sweet violet * Sweet William * Wildflowers/
VEGETABLES: Artichoke * Arugula * Asparagus * Beet * Broccoli * Brussels sprouts * Cabbage * Carrot/ Cauliflower/ Celery/ Collards/ Endive/ Garlic/ Horseradish/ Kale/ Kohlrabi/ Leek/ Lettuce * Mustard greens * Onion * Oriental greens * Parsnip * Pea * Potato * Radish * Rhubarb * Rutabaga * Salsify * Shallot * Spinach * Swiss chard * Turnip/
HERBS: Bay laurel * Chamomile * Chervil * Chive * Cilantro * Comfrey * Dill * Fennel * Feverfew * Lavender * Mint/Oregano * Parsley * Rosemary * Sage * Thyme/
BULBS & Tubers: Anemone * Bearded iris * Freesia * Lily * Ranunculus * Sparaxis * Watsonia/
Researched by Julie Bawden Davis / For the Times