
Story Hit Home for Resident

* Re “Back To The Old Neighborhood,” April 26:

You wrote a very interesting article that really hit home.

Almost eight years ago, my husband and I went one step further. We bought a log cabin in Silverado Canyon. Although the architect for our garage said part of the house looks like it was built in the late 1890s, the year 1905 is engraved in a front door step.

We built a garage, which includes a laundry room and second bathroom. Our particular street has another, smaller log cabin, one Victorian home, three homes built in the 1960s, and one modern home, which was built in the 1970s.

We can walk anywhere in our neighborhood and strike up a conversation with people whose names we don’t even know. There are always local issues to discuss. And someone always has a solution or two to offer in regard to plumbing and electrical problems.



