
Rally Protests Lender’s Attempt to Evict Alzheimer’s Patient

A dozen sign-carrying pickets demonstrated outside the county courthouse downtown Monday against a loan company that is trying to evict an elderly woman with Alzheimer’s disease from her Crenshaw district home.

“The Money Store Robs Sick and Old People,” one sign read. Another said: “Do the Right Thing.”

Inside the courthouse, Superior Court Judge Judith Chirlin said she would decide the Money Store’s case against Marguerite May on April 10.


The Money Store contends that May has defaulted on a loan she took out in 1995. Lawyers for May argue that the loan agreement was forged and that May was too ill to even sign an agreement.

“Old people all over South-Central are losing their homes through lender fraud and unethical contractors,” said Zenon Kesik of the South-Central Los Angeles Coalition Against Bank Fraud and Redlining, which organized the protest.

Attempts to reach officials at the Money Store’s Sacramento headquarters Monday afternoon were unsuccessful.
