
Three Whatizits Are Better Than One Izzy

One mascot was not enough for the organizers of the Sydney Olympics, who chose three. Each cuddly creation has been charged with a specific Olympic duty. The uniquely Australian creatures are:

* Syd--A duckbill platypus, a rare egg-laying mammal with the bill of a duck, the body of an otter and the tail of a beaver. Syd, who is named after the host city, will represent the athletes and communicate the Games’ environmental policy.

* Millie--An echidna, a shy nocturnal mammal with porcupine-like spines. Millie, named after the millennium, will keep the public informed of the journey toward 2000.


* Olly--A kookaburra, a loud and aggressive carnivorous bird. Olly, named after the Olympics, represents the spirit of universal friendship and will report on Olympic developments.
