
Good Changes in D.A.’s Office

* The Dec. 16 article “O.C.’s New D.A. Vows to Speed Cases to Trial” comes as a breath of fresh air regarding the number of administrative management attorneys in office jobs. I spent over 18 years with that office, most of it as an administrative management attorney.

There are too many administrative management positions. How much supervision does an experienced attorney with seven years of university education require? How many of the managers had little or no felony trial experience? How many would show up in the morning and then be difficult to locate on some days?

As one who had spent many years in corporate management prior to joining the district attorney’s office, I highly applaud D.A.-elect Anthony J. Rackauckas for his proposed changes.


I only hope that his perspicacity follows through with the many other changes that need to occur to permit that office, and especially the line attorneys, to function more efficiently and productively.


