
Web Site Charge

In “Crying Babies and Other Travel Troubles” (Taking the Kids, Aug. 16), you stated that the Family Travel Forum newsletter was available, with an article on the top-10 getaways for tiny travelers, by calling FTF or visiting its Web site.

I was so eager to look at this article that I signed up for America Online. I was very disappointed to see that I needed a password to access the Web site. I called FTF and requested a copy of the newsletter or the site password. They told me I would have to become a member for $50 a year.

In the future, please indicate in your articles if there is a fee for materials you are referencing.



Newport Beach

Editor’s note: Although most of the FTF Web site,, is accessible to the public, the “Current Issues” section does require a password and a $48 membership. Nonmembers may obtain copies ($5.25 each) of the article by calling (212) 665-6124. Ask for the May-June issue.
