
Charity Scorecard

The Fourth Annual Ferragosto celebration raised $35,000 for the Orange County chapter of Childhelp USA, an organization that helps prevent child abuse and neglect through prevention, treatment and research. The Aug. 15 event, hosted by Spectrum Foods Inc.’s Tutto Mare Ristorante at Fashion Island in Newport Beach, is a local version of the Italians’ annual vacation day, known as the Ferragosto. About 425 people attended the event, including Mary Allyn Dexter, president of the Orange County chapter of Childhelp USA, and co-chairs of the event Nancy Whitlock and Pam Butler.


More than 150 people played 48 hours of tennis at UCLA on July 30 and Aug. 1 to raise money for the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America. About $2,000 was raised in registration fees, and the sponsoring Balance Bar Co. donated $25,000. Actress Marion Ross and her partner, former Los Angeles Rams player Johnnie Johnson, won the celebrity tournament.


Has your group held a charity fund-raiser recently? Let us know about it. We will report on selected local benefit projects and events. Please tell us about your organization and the charity you support, how much you raised, how the charity uses your gift and the details of your event--what, when and where. Send a letter or press release to Social Sunday, Life & Style, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053, or fax to (213) 237-4888.
