
And the Winner Is ...

* Advertiser: Pella Windows

* Agency: Young & Rubicam, New York

* Producer: Coppos Films, Los Angeles

* The Ad: In this sendup of “A Streetcar Named Desire,” the Marlon Brando character elopes with a woman who climbs out of a Pella (it rhymes with Stella) window.

* Trivia: Actor Billy Jayne, a regular on the old Fox TV series “Parker Lewis Can’t Lose,” plays the Brando character.

* Advertiser: Hallmark

* Agency: Leo Burnett, Chicago

* Producer: Lieberman Productions, Los Angeles

* The Ad: A working mother arrives home late to find a busy dad on the phone and the house in shambles. When she puts off laundry and dishes to read her sons a bedtime story, they give her a thank-you card also signed by Dad.


* Trivia: Earlier scripts had Dad sleeping on a couch or watching football when Mom arrived, but it was changed so the ad wouldn’t offend fathers.

* Advertiser: AT&T;

* Agency: Young & Rubicam, New York

* Producer: Gartner, Los Angeles

* The Ad: After an anxious mother deposits her daughter at college with a phone card, the daughter uses the card to call her mother and reassure her.

* Trivia: Bruins will recognize the campus as UCLA. But the cozy dorm room is a set.

Advertiser: American Express

* Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, New York

* Producer: Propaganda Films, Los Angeles

* The Ad: A man’s romantic fantasy is shattered when a store clerk yanks a virtual reality device from him, because the man, a Visa card user, is over his credit limit.


* Trivia: The spot is one in a series of Visa-bashing ads that helped actor Raymond O’Connor, the hapless Visa user, land a role in the film “My Giant.”

* Advertiser: Apple Computer

* Agency: TBWA Chiat/Day, Los Angeles

* Producer: None

* The Ad: Newsreel-style clips of artists, entrepreneurs, political leaders and inventors appear as actor Richard Dreyfuss recites an ode to “the crazy ones.”

* Trivia: Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has often referred to Mohandas Gandhi, the Indian leader pictured in the commercial, as his hero.



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