
An Appreciation of Ford Rainey

Thanks so much to James Rainey for the article on his father (“Man of a Thousand Faces,” July 26). I’d like to relate a story of more than 50 years ago.

It was the summer of ’46 or ‘47, and I was a teenager living in Santa Barbara. I was a member of a young actors’ group called Youth Theatre. Each summer we would put on a play for the community at the Alhecama Theatre. That summer we were told that a Hollywood star, a Shakespearean actor, would be directing our production. His name was Ford Rainey. We were in awe.

I don’t remember the name of the play, but I do recall that it was a hiss-the-villain, cheer-the-hero-and-heroine type of drama. Rainey left a great impression on all of us. His huge frame towered over us (at least that was the way we kids saw the man), and he would break into a Shakespearean role to dramatize a point or grab attention. That either scared the stuffing out of us or triggered fits of laughter. Anyway, he got out of us what he wanted. The production was a great success.


I have always been grateful that such a talented man would devote a summer to helping a bunch of kids put on a play. I have followed his career ever since. Thanks to you, we have all been updated as to his whereabouts and good health.

Ford Rainey: God bless you on your 90th birthday. The photo makes me believe you will be around for many more.

Tedd Peterson

