
Ad Ratings

McDonald’s restaurants aired the most prime-time advertisements in Los Angeles during the week ended Aug. 2. It ran 90 commercials that delivered a total of 504.9 rating points. Here are the top prime-time advertisers that week.


Brand/product Household rating* Ads shown McDonald’s fast food 504.9 90 Kmart stores 351.2 59 KFC fast food 303.1 51 Mitsubishi autos 227.8 32 Mazda B-Series trucks 223.5 41 Nissan sales event 199.4 43 Jack in the Box fast food 197.4 44 Burger King fast food 180.5 40 Saturn autos 172.2 33 MCI telephone services 168.4 31


*Each rating point represents 50,092 TV homes

Source: Nielsen Media

Research Monitor-Plus service
