
Execution of Baha’i

The 12 Baha’i communities in Ventura County received with sorrowful hearts information of the execution by hanging in Iran of a Baha’i named Ruhullah Rawhani on July 21.

Mr. Rawhani was 52 years old and arrested last September, accused of converting a young woman from Islam to the Baha’i faith. The woman denied that she had converted, explaining that her mother was a Baha’i and that she herself had been raised as a Baha’i.

The execution causes grave concern that the Baha’i community of Iran remains unprotected and officials can continue the persecution of the Baha’is at will and with impunity. We are praying for the release of 15 other Baha’is who are currently imprisoned in Iran, particularly for the four who are sentenced to death because of their belief in the Baha’i faith.


It is consoling to read about the condemnation by our government of the execution and the extension of condolences from President Clinton to Mr. Rawhani’s family. When genuine defense of the freedom of religion guides our country’s leadership among nations, humanity’s noble destiny will sooner be realized.



Ventura County Letters
