
Midsummer Night’s Drink

Put the six-pack of beer aside, lock up the wine cabinet and explore the bygone world of classic summer cocktails. Calendar Live! visits top bars in the Southland to find out what’s cool to drink this summer. From gimlets to juleps, mojitos to margaritas, Calendar Live! gets the perfect recipes for summer drink success.

Kid’s Play

Calendar Live! finds kid-friendly places in the Southland that even adults will enjoy.

Know Your ABCs

By now you’ve probably seen the white signs in restaurant windows with the letters A, B or C boldly stamped on them, but what do they mean exactly?

If your favorite restaurant scored a C, are rats running around in the kitchen? Getting a B in chemistry class was fine, but is it good enough for a sushi place? And just how clean is an A? Calendar Live! talks with the Department of Health and some of the city’s finer restaurants to get the facts behind the scores.


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