


* Address:

What it is: The online presence of Showtime, the premium cable channel. Though there isn’t any advertising per se, the site is sponsored by Sprint.

* How it is: First the bad. Movies--even most of Showtime’s original films (the much-hyped “Lolita” being the exception)--get only an abbreviated cast list and film summary. If you’re really lucky and the director is really famous, he’ll be mentioned too. (Showtime’s boxing and “Stargate” have adjunct sites with more to do.) You can get more information from the Prevue Channel. I might have some opinion on the Insight column if I could only figure out what it is. No original content, no games, no mention of Zalman King.

* So what’s left? There are two things that almost make up for everything that’s wrong with the site. First--and this seems small, but few other sites do it--when you go to the site it lets you know what’s playing on Showtime at that moment . No clicking around for program. Second, it has e-mail service that reminds you about upcoming shows. Say you’re at the site and spot something you’ve always wanted to see. Problem is, it’s not on for three weeks. Who can remember that? Click a button and you’ll get an e-mail the day before it airs.


Film Geek

* Address:

* What it is: Film reviews by a Web designer in Cincinnati named Rick Ferguson. He doesn’t make any money from his endeavors (although it helped get him his current job)--not even enough to cover movie ticket and domain name expenses. Luckily, he has a friend who gives him free space on a server.

* How it is: Don’t be put off by the fact that the site has only reviews--and not many of them at that. Ferguson sees a movie or two a week and the archive is only about 50 strong. Why bother? Because Ferguson has some of the best reviews you’ll read online and off. Detailed without giving anything away, funny and insightful. “Fargo . . . clearly superior to that erudite would-be tear-jerker ‘The English Patient,’ which it beat out for best picture.” Funny and edgy enough to forgive him for liking “Jerry Maguire.”


Please send entertainment-site suggestions and comments to Krissy Harris at [email protected].
