
Warehoused Kids Deserve Better

* Re “State Targets Child Welfare Problems” (June 10):

Lawmakers are considering an $81-million plan to provide oversight. Each one of these children already has a psychiatrist or psychologist who is responsible for their well-being. Why are thousands of these children being warehoused and drugged?

Isn’t it about time we rethink who we are considering to be the professionals? We are already paying hundreds of millions of dollars for the care of these children. It’s time our legislators start observing what these so-called professionals are doing to these kids.

From what I understand from previous articles, the worse off the kids were, the more money [the professionals] get from the state. Psychology and psychiatry are the only professions I know that continually use their failures to justify asking for more money. I don’t see that there is any intention to really see that these children are doing well.


These children are not “throw-away” kids. They are our future. Let’s find a way to put these children with caring, loving families whose interest isn’t how much money they’re going to get.


Garden Grove
