
Harris Verbally Dunks Over Jackson

Del Harris removed the knife from his back with more of a smile than a wince, at first deciding not to respond to Phil Jackson taking the Lakers for a test drive, talking about how Shaquille O’Neal would look in the triangle offense.

And after those five seconds had elapsed . . .

Harris, though noting he hadn’t read the comments from the Bulls’ free-agent-to-be-coach, on second thought decided to volley back, answering in an amused tone but clearly pointed words.

“I will say this,” the Laker coach said Tuesday. “It certainly has brought out the best in their all-star centers.”



O’Neal immediately got out of the way of this one--”Del’s my coach,” he said. Harris did too. After reloading.

Question: Is it appropriate for one coach to talk so openly about what he would do with another coach’s team.

Harris: “I don’t think appropriate has anything to do with Chicago these days.”

Back to you, Phil.


There were the Lakers who were hoping Tuesday night for a sweep, And then there was the Laker who was hoping for a sweep.


Jon Barry rejoined the team after missing practice Monday and the morning shoot-around before Game 4, but made it to Portland by the afternoon with specific instructions for his teammates. End this series so he can go home. Something about a new-born son, the first child for him and wife Betsy.

“I need to get home,” Jon said. “I told them to put a little extra into it.”

Tyler James Barry was born at 4:51 a.m. Monday. That left the reserve guard about a day to spend in Los Angeles, and a few hours’ sleep at night before he caught a 7 a.m. flight Portland, weary but excited.

“I don’t know where I am,” he said.

Chipped in assistant coach Kurt Rambis, sitting nearby: “You’re assuming he knows where he is the other nights. It has nothing to do with a baby.”


By Tuesday night, Barry was on the Laker bench--and wearing a hospital bracelet on his left wrist. He was prepared to put a sweatband over it, if necessary. He just wasn’t prepared to take it off yet.

“It might be something I keep wearing,” he said. “I may keep going until we beat Chicago or whoever comes out of the East.”


Game 4 between the Lakers and Trail Blazers will start at 7:30 Thursday night. The time had not been determined until Tuesday.
