
City Council Moves to Revive Planning Panel

In a 3-2 vote, the City Council this week took the first step in reviving a planning commission--about 20 years after the last one was disbanded.

“This a major step,” said Councilman Tom Carroll, who supported allowing the city attorney to draft an ordinance to create the commission. The council expects to place the ordinance on the November ballot.

The city is one of only three in the county without such a panel, having eliminated its commission in 1978 as a cost-cutting measure. Voters in 1990 rejected an advisory measure to create such a commission.


Under the new plan, the commission would decide most planning-related applications, but the council would retain ultimate power on business development agreements.

“This is an exercise in futility because having a vote will allow special-interest groups to outspend the city in defeating the measure,” said Councilman Tim Keenan, who along with Mayor Mary Ann Jones opposed the measure.

“The council and staff will spend money to define the commission only to have it voted down in November.”
