
Union Bank Launches Spanish-Language Ads

Union Bank of California has launched its first statewide Spanish-language campaign to increase what Senior Vice President George Ramirez describes as “low awareness” of the bank among Latinos in important cities, such as Los Angeles. One-third of Union Bank’s 240 branches are in Los Angeles. Since March 16, the bank has been running Spanish-language TV, print and radio advertising in which the bank is offering a $100 savings account to the first 1,000 people to open a checking account with a $1,000 balance. A similar offer is being made in print and radio ads to blacks and Asians, two other groups identified for growth by the bank. “If we want to grow, we have to build a relationship” with ethnic consumers, Ramirez said. Although the promotion isn’t being advertised to the general market, any customer opening an account by the April 30 deadline can ask to participate, Ramirez said.
