
Ad Ratings

Mattel ran 43 Saturday-morning TV commercials for its Barbie doll April 4, making it the largest advertiser during the time period. A look at other leading advertisers that day:


Brand/Product Household rating* Ads shown Mattel Barbie doll 67.3 43 McDonald’s restaurants 41.8 21 DreamWorks “Paulie” movie 26.6 14 Pepsi-Cola soft drinks 22.6 10 Barbie computer software 19.9 14 Giga Pet toys 18.1 8 America’s Dairy Farmers 16.6 8 Jolly Rancher candy 15.6 7 Backpack Club play sets 15.3 7 Psygnosis entertainment software 13.9 7


*Each rating point represents 980,000 TV homes.

Source: Nielsen Media Research Monitor-Plus service
