
City Plans a Week of Family Activities

In a first for the city, the Community Services Department is kicking off its FOCUS on Your Family Week.

With a full slate of activities planned throughout Garden Grove this week, officials said they are hoping to get parents, children and other residents to think about issues facing families.

One of the week’s highlights will be the Community Conversation on Healthy Families, a three-hour discussion to identify problems and start a community plan to deal with them.


The conversation is set Wednesday from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Community Meeting Center, 11300 Stanford Ave., and will include residents from throughout the city.

Other activities include Take Your Daughters to Work Day for city workers on Thursday, and a teen dance Friday night.

The week will culminate Saturday with a Family Spring Fling on the Village Green.

The event will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the park, located at Euclid Avenue and Main Street.
