
Time-Share Tips

Thank you for your time-share article (“Major Hotel Chains Jump on Time-Share Bandwagon,” Travel Insider, March 15). I was at a time-share property in Palm Springs the very day of this article.

Yes, I bought into the sales pitch. However, I rescinded only two days after by mail, in accordance with my recession rights. This “right” was only discovered when I reviewed my packet of papers. It was never told to me by the sales representative. I hope I get my money back and don’t get stuck with such a bad deal.

Your article only helped to reinforce my gut decision.


Culver City


We were sent your article by a cousin in San Diego. Ah, how well we know the sales pitches, pressures, inducements and lies!


We have owned time shares since 1981 and have had some good and some bad experiences. However, we have always been able to trade. We’ve been to Austria, France, and all over the U.S. We’ve been in court battles to save our time share when someone didn’t pay taxes, and have had to cough up extra assessments.

However, we probably would not ski at least twice a year, or take the trips to Branson, Mo., or other high-interest areas if we had to pay the motel and food bills.

True, never buy from the developer. Our kids gave us their time-share just to get out from under the maintenance fees, and we picked up one week for just a few hundred dollars after foreclosure. That is the only way to buy. And read, read, read, and then check them out some more. But time shares are fun and usually very nice.



Georgetown, Texas
