
Elysian Park

Re “NFL Stadium Proposals Far From the Goal Line,” April 5:

The Chavez Ravine home of Dodger Stadium is surrounded by Elysian Park, the city’s oldest and second largest park, and middle- and lower-middle-class neighborhoods. All access to the site with the exception of one of five gates is either through the park or local neighborhoods. There is no place to build new freeway ramps to improve traffic to accommodate the additional required seats for an NFL stadium.

Elysian Park is virtually closed off from public use at its most popular picnic area for every Dodger event because no parking is allowed on Stadium Way. Neighbors in surrounding communities can be trapped for hours. There is no crossing the sea of cars when the game lets out and there are no traffic officers.

Elysian Park is a regional park. This is not just a local issue but one that affects all of Los Angeles. We cannot afford to lose the parks we have, and yes, the neighbors will fight an NFL stadium there.


SALLIE W. NEUBAUER, President, Citizens Committee to Save Elysian Park, L.A.
