
Visitors Bureau Might Revive Trolley

The City Council on Monday will consider passing off financial responsibility for Ventura’s defunct tourist trolley to the visitors bureau.

The move comes in an effort to revive the deficit-ridden trolley, which was pulled from service in September amid declining advertising revenue.

The annual operating cost is $60,000; $33,000 in advertising income has been sold this year.


With the council’s approval, the Ventura Visitors and Convention Bureau, which already has approved the move, would cover the deficit for the next two years.

The deal is contingent on a planned 10% increase in the bureau’s budget from the city.

If approved, the 34-passenger trolley would begin running again by June.

The City Council bought the trolley in the spring of 1996 for $96,245. Eighty percent of the money came from a federal transportation grant.

On three occasions since, lagging advertising revenues have stopped the service.
