
Hallmarks of Business

These days, exchanging business cards is the norm. But now there’s a notable option for making a Big Impression after your next networking mixer. Send “It was nice to meet you” greeting cards. There are plenty to choose from.

Bay Area artist Daniella Woolf offers a 10-card pack with stamps and a pen for $25. Her illustrations are a combination of collages and graphic designs. And she has several lines suitable for sending after a business encounter: “It was great to meet you,” “Enjoyed our conversation,” “You’re the best”--and cards designed for most anyone, from recruiters to lawyers. Information: (408) 458-1262.

At IntroKnocks of New York--which boasts the slogan “Where our greetings produce meetings”--various cards are offered to request or confirm appointments, say thank you, follow up on leads and announce a company’s Web site. One popular card shows a businessman sliding into home base. The message inside: “Just wanted to touch base with you.” For a catalog, call (800) 753-0550.
