
New Area Code to Premiere Today

Starting today, the southern part of the county will be served by the new 949 area code.

Those affected by the change are being given a six-month “get-acquainted” period during which both the 714 and 949 area codes will work, Alison Costa, a spokeswoman for the California-Nevada Code Administration, said. After Oct. 18, callers must dial 949 to reach the communities affected.

Cellular telephone customers must check with their service provider to see whether their area code has changed, Costa said.

More information is available at Pacific Bell’s Web site:


Affected Prefixes

* 203, 206, 221-225, 227, 240, 248-253, 260-263

* 327, 347, 348, 360-369, 371, 376, 380, 387, 388, 399

* 417, 421, 422, 425, 440, 442, 443, 448, 450-455, 457-462, 464, 470-472, 474-477, 485, 487-489, 492-499

* 509, 512, 515, 548, 551-553, 559, 574, 580-584, 586-589, 595, 597-599

* 602-605, 622, 623, 629, 631, 640, 642-646, 650, 651, 653-655, 660, 661, 673, 675, 686, 697, 699

* 706, 707, 713, 715-729, 733, 737, 752, 753, 756, 757, 759, 760, 766-768, 770, 784, 786, 788-791, 793-795, 797, 798


* 823, 824, 829-831, 833, 837, 851, 852, 854-860, 862-864, 873, 888

* 910, 930, 932, 951, 955, 975

Prefixes that will work in both 714 and 949 area codes are: 211, 311, 411, 511, 555, 561, 611, 700, 711, 811, 853, 911, 950, 958, 959, 976, 977.
