
Home Health Agency Salutes Volunteers

More than 100 volunteers throughout Ventura County were recognized by the Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Assn. at a dinner Tuesday in Ventura.

The nod of appreciation was for “all levels of volunteerism, from taking a quart of milk to an elderly person, to stuffing envelopes, to helping hospice patients journal their lives on video,” said Kara Partridge of the nonprofit home nursing agency.

New Ventura County United Way President Sheryl Wiley Solomon spoke at the dinner.

A special award was presented to Ventura resident Richard Robinson.

“Richard always does much more than expected, especially with hospice patients,” Partridge said. Robinson has helped many patients leave legacies by editing videos of their lives.


Volunteers choose how they want to serve, she said, with choices ranging from visiting a frail or convalescing person to helping with fund-raisers.

“You can volunteer by phone,” Partridge said. “Someone may just need another person to check in with them by phone occasionally.”

Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Assn. is the county’s oldest nonprofit home health agency with a Medicare-certified hospice program. For information, call 642-0239.
