

* El Toro at La Habra, 3:15 today: The fifth-ranked Chargers have played well this season, and pitcher Suzanne Guy gets a look at a lineup that features six players batting .400 or higher, including Christina Gibbons (.519, 12 runs batted in), Cassie Preece (.429) and Jenny Topping (.643, 10 RBIs in six games). La Habra is ranked ninth.

* Fountain Valley Baron Classic, Mile Square Park, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday: The first day of the two-weekend tournament was postponed, so it is being made up this weekend with the second day scheduled for May 2. Two rounds will be played with the best first-round matchup--Cerritos vs. Mater Dei--at noon. Foothill and Marina are also local powers in the tournament.
