
Elementary School to Open New Wing for Classrooms

El Rincon Elementary School will become the third of four elementary schools in the Culver City Unified School District to get additional classrooms this year when it inaugurates a new wing today.

The two-story, 12-room structure was built to meet a state goal of reducing class sizes in kindergarten through third grade to one teacher for every 20 students, said Jim Crawford, the superintendent for business with the school district.

“We started off this year with 18 portable classrooms on playgrounds,” he said.

The $5-million cost of building the 31 classrooms at El Marino, Linwood E. Howe, El Rincon and La Ballona elementary schools will be paid for with money from developers’ fees and from redevelopment funds, Crawford said.


La Ballona Elementary, the last school to undergo expansion, is to open its new wing in the summer.
