
Obituaries - Sept. 30, 1997

Bunce, Stanley, 83, of Ojai, retired co-owner of Bunce Brothers Building Materials. Clausen Funeral Home, Ojai.

Hartshorn, Yvonne Rey, 77, of Santa Paula, homemaker. Pierce Brothers Stetler Mortuary, Santa Paula.

Maciel, Jose Flores, 66, of Oxnard, retired foreman with Nabisco Food Co. James A. Reardon Mortuary, Oxnard.


Reardon, George Edwin, 74, of Newbury Park, retired electronics technician. Sunset Plan Funeral Directors, Westlake Village.

Terry, Loretta Cosgrove, 83, of Ventura, retired real estate broker. Joseph P. Reardon Funeral Home, Ventura.

Ventura County obituaries are published free of charge as a public service to readers. Obituaries are based on information provided by mortuaries.


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