
Workshop Series Offered to Parents

The teen years can be trying times for parents and children.

To help parents form better relationships with their teenage and preteen children, the Ventura Unified School District is sponsoring a series of five workshops throughout October called “A Time for Parents.”

The workshops, offered through Ventura Adult Education, are designed to help parents strengthen bonds with and foster academic success in their children.

Margaret Barker, a psychologist, will teach the classes. Topics include improving family communication, building self-esteem, developing effective discipline, handling peer pressure, and identifying alcohol and substance abuse.


The free classes will meet at 6:45 p.m. on consecutive Thursdays from Oct. 2 to Oct. 30 at Ventura Adult Education, 5200 Valentine Road. For information, call Barker at 654-1018 or adult education at 641-5200.
