
Sanchez Supporters Plan Media Barrage to End Probe


Congressional Democrats will unleash a flood of interviews today on behalf of Rep. Loretta Sanchez to pressure the House committee investigating her election and to remind voters the probe is still going on.

Sanchez (D-Garden Grove) defeated nine-term incumbent Robert K. Dornan last fall by 984 votes. For the last 10 months, the House Oversight Committee has investigated Dornan’s claims that the election was decided by noncitizens who illegally registered to vote.

Democrats contend the committee has so far spent $300,000 in taxpayer money, without finding proof that election fraud cost Dornan his seat.


But during a Republican convention over the weekend in Anaheim, Dornan said the committee has found “bulletproof” evidence of 1,200 to 1,500 fraudulent votes. He gave no details, though.

To show their frustration and to push the committee to conclude its investigation or come forward with what it has found, about 30 members of the California Democratic delegation, the women’s caucus and the Hispanic caucus will give radio and newspaper interviews throughout the day to outlets around California, as well as Florida, Texas and elsewhere. The idea for the media barrage arose during a meeting Wednesday of the California congressional delegation, when members said many of their constituents did not realize the Oversight Committee’s investigation was continuing.

“It was, ‘Oh, isn’t that over with?’ ” said Sherry Greenberg, executive director of the California Democratic Congressional Delegation. “Enough is enough, and we feel we need to do what we can to help out our colleague.”


Sanchez’s press secretary, Lee Godown, said the congresswoman is grateful for the support.

“It gets old fighting all this stuff and trying to do your job at the same time,” he said. “Hopefully this will bring this to a conclusion.”
