
Mission to Put Stucco Wall in Place of Fence

A chain-link fence that forms part of the barrier around Mission San Juan Capistrano will be replaced with a white stucco wall in keeping with the historical character of the 18th-century site.

The proposal to remove the fence was approved last week by the city’s Cultural Heritage Commission.

Mission officials say they are trying to raise money to build the wall as soon as possible.


The alteration will also replace deteriorating stone walls along Camino Capistrano. The new wall will extend from the church to the southwest corner of the soldiers’ barracks.

Earlier this year, construction crews repaired a 57-foot-long portion of the mission’s front adobe wall that collapsed after heavy storms in 1993.

Originally, a white picket fence surrounded the grounds of the mission, built in 1776. The adobe wall was erected about 1930.
