
Flood Control System Upgraded for El Nino

In an effort to reduce flood risks during the upcoming rainy season, predicted to be one of the worst on record, the city has spent more than $3 million in structural improvements.

New flap gates have been installed in the Belgrave Channel to better direct the flow of water, and the former dirt liner in the channel has been replaced with concrete.

A new storm drain has been constructed on Springdale Street between Anthony and Stanford avenues, and the Gilbert Street storm drain received a 2,000-foot extension. A 2,500-foot channel was installed underground along Magnolia Street.


In addition, a continually waterlogged spot on Newland Street south of Central Avenue has a new catch basin, and a new storm drain channel addition to the Trask Avenue system is expected to be completed next month.

Members of the city staff are attending El Nino task force meetings with neighboring cities and county agencies. Plans are underway to share flood control information and coordinate resources.

Information: (714) 741-5375.
