
City Considering 9% Pay Cut for Employees to Offset Losses

Inglewood city employees may get a 9% pay reduction in the proposed 1997-98 budget the City Council will consider for a vote tonight.

The pay cut would reduce the city’s general fund budget by $5 million, from $60 million this fiscal year to $55 million next year. The fiscal year begins Wednesday.

About 775 city employees would be asked to take the reduction, which would go into effect Jan. 1. However, the city’s seven bargaining units oppose the move.


Inglewood has had a tough time balancing its budget, particularly since a series of local taxes were voted down in April. These taxes paid primarily for graffiti removal, park maintenance and other services.

The taxes, expected to generate as much as $4.7 million, would have imposed a 2% utility tax, increased the hotel occupancy tax from 12% to 15%, doubled the parking lot tax to 10% and raised the sports ticket tax from 60 cents to 5% of the ticket price.
