
Area Waterways

I’d like to remind Rod Middleworth (letter, Sept. 23) that before there were “storm channels” here in Southern California, there were natural features of the region known back then as creeks, streams and rivers. And not only did these waterways harbor rats and lizards, they also provided habitat for a diverse and abundant array of plants, birds and mammals.

Is it possible, had these resources been managed with even a small amount of reverence and respect for nature, that the resultant green corridors through the heart of our cities could have enhanced the quality of life for us all?

Was turning virtually every waterway in Southern California into a gutter the only way to protect against storm danger?


When I see the giant “storm drains” and “drainage canals” that are now characteristic of our sadly reduced environment, I try to sense the ghost of the river or creek that was. It is a shame and disgrace how much has been destroyed. It didn’t have to go that way.


Capistrano Beach
