
Campaign Finance

A United Way approach to campaign financing should be considered. Those who want to donate to political campaigns would pay into the consolidated campaign finance fund. Big contributors now give to both the Republicans and Democrats, so it’s not such a big change. Money would be divided among the candidates according to voter registration, votes cast in the last election, or similar formula.

To keep the needed amounts as low as possible, electronic media need to be forced to provide free air time during the campaign. These are the public airwaves, leased in the public interest. Forcing TV and radio operators to devote 10% to 25% of their advertising time to candidates during election season could be defined as “in the public interest.”

Under the revised rules, it would be illegal for politicians or office seekers to solicit or receive funds. Then they could spend 100% of their time on the public’s business, which is why we elect them.



Los Angeles
