
Theater at CSUN

* Talk about missed opportunities!

Your editorial, “A North Campus Opportunity” (Sept. 21) renews our frustration with the powers that be at Cal State Northridge over their continuing inability to realize what an excellent spot they’re in for future development.

Our “Show of the Month” series has been utilizing their new and beautiful Performing Arts Center Theatre, programming top-name entertainment for Valley audiences, older and younger. Yet the university and its executive body, staff, faculty and students haven’t shown the slightest interest in what’s going on inside this magnificent state-of-the-art theater.

You mention attracting entertainment companies to CSUN to “make the school a training ground for the multimedia . . . industries.” Well, we’re there and would love to offer on-site “earn-as-you-learn” opportunity for interested students, but thus far absolutely no attention has been given to the thought.


Instead of alienating the very community they should be cultivating, with pie-in-the-sky schemes like the MarketCenter, it would seem more expedient to support and help promote the theater existence for future revenues. We have spent considerable time and money to do just that, with overwhelmingly positive results overall. If only CSUN itself would get on the bandwagon, everyone would benefit in the long run.


Producer, “Show of the Month”

Studio City
